Gigi Mascareñas, a queer second-generation Filipinx, is a visual and performance-based storyteller currently residing on the ancestral lands of the Piscataway and Nacotchtank peoples (colonially known as the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia)).
Gigi loves to connect with others through feeling; physical and emotional colors and textures allow them to breathe. Visual and performance-based storytelling is the medium they feel most free to play with; from design and creating comics to acting and stand-up comedy. Their art and stories are rooted in mental health, queerness, being born of migrant parents, and deeper healing. They are currently creating-existing through the lens of love, playfulness, and (un)learning and (re)discovery.
Currently an independent designer, they seek to collaborate with individuals and organizations that also value storytelling as a way to give back to, and build, communities. Gigi's intention is to use their skill sets to support the stories, voices, and experiences of marginalized people. They recognize the importance and need of these stories in order to stretch our collective consciousness, build compassion, and heal and make changes within ourselves and our diverse communities.
Gigi has 2-3 books on their nightstand at all times, loves collecting art prints and stationery directly from queer, BIPOC, and disabled artists, and thoroughly enjoys their fully-embodied laughs.
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